Indiana Diaper Bank Partner Agency Application Form
Partner Agency Annual Aplication
Please fill out the information below to apply to be an Indiana Diaper Bank partner agency.
Organization/ Agency Information
Legal Name of Organization/ Agency
Other Name Used by the Organization/ Agency
Your Organization/ Agency is:
501 (C)(3)
Religious Organization
Government Organization
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Federal tax identification number
Organization/ Agency Main Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Organization/ Agency Website
Social Media Handle(s), if none please write n/a
*List all that apply including separate diaper program pages*
Partner Agency Contact Information
Name of Primary Program Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Phone (Ext)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Agency Executive Director
First Name
Last Name
Phone (Ext)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Diaper Program Description/ Status
Program Name Using Diapers/ Baby Essentials
Organization/ Agency Mission & Service Provided to the Community
Brief Program Description
*This statement will be used to provide referrals for services and will be placed on our website*
Has there been any change in your non-profit status (as defined by the IRS), your corporate status, your organization's name, or your mission/ vision?
YES- Please attach supporting documentation
Supporting Documentation
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Only upload supporting documentation if you chose "YES"
Source of Funding ( Check all that apply)
Grants- Foundations
Grants- Government
Organization/ Agency Annual Revenue
Client Diaper Use
If you are an applicant that currently does not have a diaper distribution, please fill out the following fields to the best of your ability.
Do you currently provide diapers to your clients?
If yes, how often does your organization/ agency distribute diapers to clients (If applicable)
Emergency Only
How often does your organization/ agency currently obtain diapers ( Check all that apply)
Purchase Retail
Purchase Wholesale
Diaper Drives
Infrequent Donations
Other Agencies or Diaper Banks
We Don't
Do you currently turn away clients due to a lack of diapers?
Does your agency budget for purchasing diapers/ baby essentials?
How will the diapers be distributed? (Check all that apply)
On-Site Residential Program
Emergency Supplies for Families
Day Care
Foster care
Alcohol/ Drug Recovery Domestic Violence
Other (Please Explain)
If you chose "other" please explain
How do you measure outcomes for your programs?
Please share how your program helps move families to self-sufficiency. Is there a success story you can share how diapers helped a family in need?
(Optional) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your organization/ agency or your diaper program?
Partner Agency Population Served/ Demographics Information
If new partner agency applicant, please fill out to the best of your ability.
% of Diaper Recipients by Poverty Level
Please fill out the percentage below
Federal Poverty Level or Below
Ex: 90%
1-2 Times Above
Ex: 5%
>2 Times
Ex: 5%
% of Total Diaper Recipients by Age
Please fill out the percentage below
0-1 Years Old
Ex: 50%
2 Years Old
Ex: 25%
3-5 Years Old
Ex: 20%
6+ Years Old
Ex: 5%
% of Total Diaper Recipients by Race/ Ethnicity
Please fill out the percentage below
White/ Non-Hispanic
Black/ African American
Hispanic/ Latino Origin
Pacific Islander
Partner Agency Projected Monthly Diaper Supplies
Indiana Diaper Bank uses child-based distribution for estimating a partner agency's diaper needs. Please complete the following table by indicating the number of children your agency serves or projects to serve on a monthly basis. During the application process, we will review these needs to ensure we will be able to supply your agency and assign you the appropriate Partnership Tier Level.
Put in the number of children for each diaper size needed.
Distribution Alteration
The National Diaper Bank Network recommends the best practice for disposable diaper distribution is 50 diapers or 30 pull ups per child. The standard for your agency will be set during Indiana Diaper Bank's Partner Agency approval process. If you need to alter your Partner Tier level based on an increase or decrease of children served, please contact ______ directly.
Applicant Signature
Please Upload the Following Documents:
501(c)(3) Status
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Most Recent 990
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